Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Equality;; boys v.s. girls!!

Why do boys get the good varsity locker room, or why do they get sports scholarships before girls? Colleges were built for boys and they tend to get the better jobs than us. I want EQUALITY!! I play ball can i get a free ride to college? i mean he does the same thing i do just he has a better chance of making it to th NBA. The WNBA doesn't get as much money, publicity, or respect as the NBA. Colleges are filling with girls but white man applications get chosen first. It's not fair! women deserve the same rights as males. And how is it that boys get the pat on the back for the things girls get looked down apon. A boy can have 5 girlfirends at the same time but he's a player and gets all the respect from his "bros". If i had 5 boys under my belt, im considered a hoe...point blank! It's crazy how steriotypes of boys and girls get placed so securely in society. The male gender is ranked higher. Equality amongst gender has grown in the last centrury but there is still alot of growing to take place!!

1 comment:

  1. I understand your thoughts on this.... and I too think that both the male and female genders should have the same oppurtunity in the world. I see nothing wrong with a female in power, but the majority of men in the world are way too egotistical to see a women in charge. They believe that males will always possess more power than females. I am on your side on this equality issue but, personally, I think this isn't going to cahnge for a very long time.
