Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I belong...

belonging is a sense or feeling,

the feeling of comfort.

belonging is family,with love, heart, and soul.

belonging is with my bestiez,

tay, boogz, poodah, ect. having my back.

belonging could be basketball,

the ball, the court, the pride, the passion.

belonging is always myself,

my stride, my goals, my look at life.

belonging to the world,

the forms of life as we know it.

belonging to school,

the books, the knowledge, the education to come.

I belong to this world, these people, this life.

it's mine and i love it because it's where...

I belong<3

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I Belong as a University Student
I am qualified to become a university student. I belong in this university because I am a well motivated and persistent student. I know what needs to be done before I pursue further projects. I always get my work done and use time management to finish tasks on time. I am a very organized worker. I hold a part-time job, play sports, and manage to get decent grades. My social life once got in the way of my academics but all that is different now. I grew as a student and a person and today I am a mature young women with plenty of goals.
I want to become a pediatrician. I have wanted to work in the medical field since I was about 5 years old. Both my mother and step-father are nurses at UW hospital and Oakwood Rehabilitation Center. My childhood growing up was all about school. Both my parents were going back to college and finishing nursing school while I trail blazed from elementary and up to high school. I have always wanted to go to UW Madison because of the location. I am from Madison, Wisconsin and I would love to stay close to family. Plus I like the downtown area and its diversity amongst groups/organizations. The sorority life sounds fun and exciting as well.
I have been a part of the P.E.O.P.L.E Program since I was 12 years old and since then I have learned about the campus, the classes, the organizations and my sense of location. I would certainly fit in on campus and be another well educated women graduating from a top college. The P.E.O.P.L.E program gave me an opportunity to settle into college life and experience the campus hands on. I know many of the buildings but name and location. I can navigate around campus and even direct others. This will definitely assist me when I get to college and make me more productive when I arrive to class on time. I feel that the P.E.O.P.L.E Program has prepared me for college and I look forward to taking what I have learned and putting in forth in the future.
I belong as a university student not just for my goals in life or that I want to go here but that of which I feel most comfortable here. With comfort my mind can ease on academics rather than any side tracks. I will continue to achieve my goals and work my way to earning acceptance at the UW Madison.

i belong to writing...

I Belong to Writing…
With who do I belong? In this world, this city? With these fakes and these phonies? Do I recall friends or just associates? I believe I decide my words and my actions. I belong to myself. Only I can make my decisions and only I can follow through with them. I choose my friends and even the family I’m around. I belong to paper and pen because I write my every lyric down to express my life. Journal after journal, poem after poem, I fill the notebooks, the margins, the binds with words. Rhymes without reason, I’m lyrical. I belong to culture, that hip hop, R&B, pop kinda culture. I write. I put lines on paper that sometimes make sense. I belong to emotional writing.
I remain silent because I can’t say what’s on my mind. I close the door, the window and drapes of this open mind so the syllables don’t slip out. The emotions hold back behind cold eyes and a stiff smile. Why don’t you see me? I’m noticed by all but you. Hands shaking with weakness as my words pull away to be free. The box doesn’t work, its outta order. I tried to open the shades and let the sun in but I’m mad at him. His rays don’t beam at the heart, but only my surface. Nobody will get in, not you, not him, not her, not ME! I can’t reach in to share my secrets with myself. Dark secrets sit in a treasure box locked without hope. You hold the key, what are you waiting for? Free me! Let my soul ease, let my heart beat, let me…be me!”

Poetry and short spoken words are not just a hobby. I love to write and I belong to that atmosphere. Words on paper can mean more than the words of mouth. They hold more enfaces and empower thoughts. Words slip out and come out wrong but writing rarely needs correction. Every line can be about something different but when a piece is finished it means so much more than the average essay. I belong to writing and the lyrical atmosphere.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gee's discourse basically explains my easy terms in a more formal voice. discourse prepares you for college because it is a technique used in work settings and you need to have that when speaking to professors or to those you want to keep as a refrence in later years. It is a custom learned as one excelles in life. The higher one takes their career path, the more they become aware of discourse. As Malcolm X was quoted, "without education, you are not going anywhere in this world." you must be educated in books as well as in a form of being. Carrying yourself in a well mannered and professional way. Your character makes the first impresson followed by your education and communicational stance.

discourse;;in easy terms

Discourse is a confusing idea but can easily be identified as the way yuh present yur thoughtz in person az well as in writing. One has an instict 2 act'a certain way around certain people. People may, tlk slang or ebonics infront of a group of friendz buh, speak in a proper form of voice to others. The way most of our speech changes with different audiences. Like my dad for instence...he'll say "aye lemme tlk 2 biddy"when talking 2 my cousin but says "hello may i speak to mrs. johnson when calling my moms job." There's am way one speaks at interviews verses the terms they use at home. It is not being fake but just what we are taught to do. Children follow their parents actions so when a parent yells and tells them to be nice when they say rude things, this teaches them how to act when they get older.